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Nemiga subway station, 1-one -bedroom apartment for rent in Minsk, Chervyakova street house number 2

Excellent apartment for a day in a beautiful area of the city (street Chervyakova House 2) - Metro Nemiga. If you plan to spend an unforgettable time in Belarus, a lot depends on where you stay.

We offer you a one-bedroom apartment with quality repair: new doors, windows. On the floor - laminate. Washable obom. All the furniture is new and beautiful. On the whole apartment will make your stay comfortable and memorable.

Separate toilet and bath.

The apartment is cozy, clean and perfectly comfortable.

The neighbors are good, quiet. Your holiday in the apartment there is nothing to prevent. Parking near the house.

The apartment is in an excellent location. Nearby Hotel "Belarus". Also many cafes and restaurants. Close shop.

In addition arrange delivery sushi at home.

Additional Info

  • City: Minsk
  • St. Subway: Nemiga
  • Address (st., house, apt.): Chervyakova street house number 2
  • Landmark: Hotel Belarus, West World Club
  • Rooms: 1
  • Sleeping places: 4
  • Repairs: quality repairs
  • Furniture: double bed, sofa, new kitchen.
  • Home appliances: Internet wi-fi, satellite TV.
  • Floor / Total floors in the house: 1/5
  • Price per night (cu): 25
  • Price per hour (cu):
  • Contact person (name): Arina Litvinov
  • Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY): +375-29-670-92-42
  • UNP: 191276257
  • E-mail / ICQ / Skype (check that you have come from LUKS.BY): info@minskrental.com / нет / нет
  • Additional Information: metal entrance door, double glazing.
  • Additional services: Transfer (airport pickup), a translator from English, registration, delivery of products.
Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY):
Price per night : 25 USD
Apartment ID 165

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