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Academiya Nauk subway station, 1-one-bedroom apartment for rent in Minsk, Nezavisimosci avenue, house number 53

1-bedroom apartment in the heart of Minsk, near metro station Academy of Sciences (Independence Avenue, Building 53). A wonderful option for those planning memorable and comfortable stay in the Belarusian capital.

The apartment is spacious, cozy, comfortable. Warmth and elegance of the interior of fashion will make you feel at comfort. Excellent repair. The apartment is equipped with a new, modern equipment: stove, refrigerator, iron, kettle and TV. There is a luxurious double bed, a desk. Fiberglass windows, built-in fashion wardrobes, kitchen.

Located next to the apartment house trading "CUM", discos, restaurants and casinos. Here you can spend your time rich.

Always welcome!

Additional Info

  • City: Minsk
  • St. Subway: Akademija Nauk
  • Address (st., house, apt.): Nezavisimosci avenue, house number 53
  • Landmark: Academiya Nauk subway station
  • Rooms: 1
  • Sleeping places: 2+2
  • Repairs: renovated
  • Furniture: two 2-beds, with double-glazed windows, closets, kitchen.
  • Home appliances: Telephone, TV, DVD-player, Wi-Fi Internet access, iron and ironing board, Intercom, refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine, dryer, shower, water boiler (water heater), Bidet.
  • Floor / Total floors in the house: 4/5
  • Price per night (cu): 60
  • Price per hour (cu):
  • Contact person (name): Arthur
  • Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY): +375-29-397-97-67
  • UNP:
  • E-mail / ICQ / Skype (check that you have come from LUKS.BY): no / no / no
  • Additional Information: Secure parking.
  • Additional services: transfer.Otchetnye documents. Service registration.
Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY):
Price per night : 60 USD
Apartment ID 284

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