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Oktyabrskaya Subway station, 4-four-bedroom apartment for rent in Minsk, Karl Marx street, house number 25


Luxury 4 bedroom apartment located in the center of Minsk. It's located on the 4th floor of elite house. From the windows of the apartment offers magnificent views of the park im.Derzhinskogo. Near the house are "Dynamo" stadium, railway station, the hotel "CROWN PLAZA", in her award-winning restaurants, a disco "Next", parking, casino, bar, spa, swimming pool, a fitness center. Nearby is a shopping center "Stalitsa, which houses many shops, bars, restaurants, 2 cinemas, a bowling alley, parking lot. At a distance of 300 m - Hotel" Europe "," Minsk "on entertainment center" Zhuravinka "department" Central ", a restaurant "Fridays", "News Cafe", "Stove-shop", the Belarusian State Circus and the beautiful promenade "Gorky Park".
This quarter is famous for lots of trendy cafes and renowned restaurants, boutiques and galleries. The unique location of the apartment allow you to combine a good rest on the successful work.
Apartment description:

Spacious, made in bright colors apartment with 3 separate bedrooms and large living room - 35 sq.m. with a ceiling height of 3m. - Stalinka. The apartment is a quality repair of the European level. In the bedroom - double bed with orthopedic mattress in the living room sofa. The apartment has internet WI-FI, satellite TV, DVD, LCD TV, TV in each bedroom. All necessary appliances, washing machine, dishwasher, 2 separate sanitary unit, shower, bath. Apartment with modern interior.

Additional Info

  • City: Minsk
  • St. Subway: Oktjabrskaja (Kupalovskaja)
  • Address (st., house, apt.): Karl Marx street, house number 25
  • Landmark: Dynamo stadium
  • Rooms: 4
  • Sleeping places: 2+2+2+2
  • Repairs: euro renovation
  • Furniture: In the bedroom - double bed with orthopedic mattress in the living room - sofa bed.
  • Home appliances: Internet WI-FI, satellite TV, DVD, LCD TV, TV in each bedroom. All necessary appliances, washing machine, dishwasher, 2 separate bathrooms, showers, shower, bath.
  • Floor / Total floors in the house: 4/
  • Price per night (cu): 150
  • Price per hour (cu):
  • Contact person (name): Немцевич Александр Чеславович
  • Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY): +375-29-305-10-10 (Velcom)
  • UNP: 191269412
  • E-mail / ICQ / Skype (check that you have come from LUKS.BY): kvartiralux@gmail.com / нет / kvartiralux
  • Additional Information:
  • Additional services:
Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY):
+375-29-305-10-10 (Velcom)
Price per night : 150 USD
Apartment ID 400
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