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Pobedy Square Subway station, 2-two-bedroom apartment for rent in Minsk, Kozlov Street, house number 5

Bright, spacious two-bedroom apartment with redevelopment. Near metro station "Pobedy Square". The bedroom walls are set in two windows (windows) - it gives the room plenty of light, comfort and spaciousness. The bedroom has air conditioning, TV, double bed, bedside tables with lamps, wardrobe. Living room is done in studio style. Large floor to ceiling window, which also gives a lot of light, beautiful leather furniture, TV, coffee table. Sofa splits and get extra large double seat. Bathroom 9m, jacuzzi. The apartment is Wi-Fi - high speed unlimited internet access, satellite TV. Expensive, high-quality finish, stylish renovation. The apartment is equipped with all necessary small appliances, including dishwasher, washing machine, dishes, tea and coffee. Sleeps 2 +2. Reporting documents for kommandirovochnyh, registration of foreign citizens, met at the airport (shuttle service).

Additional Info

  • City: Minsk
  • St. Subway: Ploshchad Pobedy
  • Address (st., house, apt.): Kozlov Street, house number 5
  • Landmark: Pobedy Square Subway station
  • Rooms: 2
  • Sleeping places: 2+2
  • Repairs: euro renovation
  • Furniture: Double bed. Couch. Parquet. The fully equipped kitchen. All the furniture, as in the photo.
  • Home appliances: Microwave. Electric. Refrigerator. Washing machine. Television. Gas stove. Jacuzzi. Hair dryer.
  • Floor / Total floors in the house:
  • Price per night (cu): 80
  • Price per hour (cu):
  • Contact person (name): Иванисов А.А.
  • Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY): +375 (29) 330-33-20 +375 (29) 195-33-20
  • UNP:
  • E-mail / ICQ / Skype (check that you have come from LUKS.BY): нет / нет / нет
  • Additional Information:
  • Additional services:
Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY):
+375 (29) 330-33-20 +375 (29) 195-33-20
Price per night : 80 USD
Apartment ID 481

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