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Pushkinskaya subway station, 2-two-bedroom apartment for rent in Minsk, Olszewskogo street, house number 1a

Rent Luxurious and comfortable VIP-apartment for a day in the wonderful city of Minsk. Price from 100 - to 130 USD a day. The offered apartment is located in a new luxury home. The house is located at the intersection of Prytytskaga And Kalvariyskaya. Before the subway 5 minutes. Hypermarket near Corona.

The apartments are equipped to the highest class - all inclusive! The apartment has a luxurious atmosphere, carried out in accordance with the author's project, a high level of service!

The apartment has a separate bedroom. There is a new Jacuzzi-sauna for two persons. Beautiful fireplace in the apartment will make the evening memorable and give romance. There is also air conditioning. In the kitchen, coffee maker.

Free underground parking!

Unlimited Wi-Fi-Internet.

Immerse yourself in true comfort!

Additional Info

  • City: Minsk
  • St. Subway: Pushkinskaja
  • Address (st., house, apt.): Olszewskogo street, house number 1a
  • Landmark: Shopping Crown Center
  • Rooms: 2
  • Sleeping places: 2+2
  • Repairs: renovated
  • Furniture: 2 bed, 2 sleeping sofa, a new kitchen, cabinets compartment (see photo below).
  • Home appliances: Internet, DVD, home theater, refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine and dishwasher, coffee maker, electric. kettle.
  • Floor / Total floors in the house:
  • Price per night (cu): 100
  • Price per hour (cu): 30
  • Contact person (name): Sergey
  • Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY): +375-29-602-18-85 +375-29-751-47-06
  • UNP: 191183121
  • E-mail / ICQ / Skype (check that you have come from LUKS.BY): tanya_gubko@tut.by / no / no
  • Additional Information: video phone, metal door, windows, cabinets coupe, air conditioning, fireplace, jacuzzi, sauna, VIP-room apartment.
  • Additional services: transfer (meeting at the airport), and registration.
Phones (specify that you are calling from LUKS.BY):
+375-29-602-18-85 +375-29-751-47-06
Price per night : 100 USD
Apartment ID 93
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