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He rode on vacation. Decided to go on the road to Minsk and to see the arc. I wanted to make a surprise, but where there. Surprise waiting for me. My friend went with his family to relatives of his wife on Naroch. To continue your journey, I had to wait until the morning, we had to find accommodation - does not sit on the same station. He went into the Internet club, found your site. Rented an apartment on the day. Fine. I will always continue to use this service. First, near the railway station, and secondly, cozy, clean quiet. All facilities that is not unimportant. So, thank you.


On duty, I often come to Belarus. This time the train from Moscow to Warsaw left me on the station platform Baranovichi - Central. The last time I was here 10 years ago. I could not wait to see the city: what's new in this time or is it still the same country town as I remembered him ... At my request, a young taxi driver agreed to do me a small tour of the city. Yes, Baranovichi in place is not worth it. Neighborhoods have grown, especially North and East. I've got a lot of friends and I often went there, so I can compare. New shopping centers, markets, residential housing. But what is most impressive is the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Do not enter, I just could not. And it does not enter, I'm Alexander himself. The service is over. But what about the debt put a candle. Light and goodness should give this light.

My work involves travel. Each week, two - a new city. On the one hand perfectly, especially when young. New businesses, contracts, meeting new places and, of course, hotels. Here they are something to me and fed up. And not all they are. Very often - it's just a room in a hostel, and sometimes even have to go to bed to someone from a small company employees, and it is very uncomfortable, embarrass people, to bring trouble into another unfamiliar family.

In September, my son had his wedding. Trouble, as you know, there were many. But one of the most important, where and how to partition your guests, not to far away to be comfortable and cozy, so you can take a shower and relax after an evening at the restaurant. Friends advised to rent the apartment for a day . I was surprised, never heard of such a service. With the same friends visited the Internet. Sites a lot, we looked flat Minsk, and we stayed on your site.


My name is Alexander and I work as an engineer in Russia Lyubertsy (Moscow region). Usually do not leave reviews, but this time he decided.


A couple of weeks ago I posted on your site ads on their delivery of apartments and that surprised me, because that's what I started calling customers! I never would have thought that among the thousands of sites you can find just the one on which I would place an ad, and even then he would find among thousands of other ads is mine, but it turns out you can. If I had to place all their ads in newspapers, but now I'm going to place more ads on the Internet.

It was very pleasant to use your resources. All very much. Many thanks to all!

Hi everyone! I'm Philip. Thank you for supporting the site for foreign tourists!

I found the perfect apartment for myself on your site. The apartment was in the center of Minsk (heart of Belarus). I have used many sites, but your service I liked the most. The next time I will use only your web site.

Thank you for all (and especially for services).


A couple of weeks ago I posted on your site their ads for the surrender of flats and that surprised me - I started calling customers! I never would have thought that among the thousands of sites you can find just the one on which I would place an ad, and even then would be able to find thousands of other ads is mine! And it turns out this is possible. If I had to place all their ads in newspapers, but now I'm going to place more ads on the Internet.

It was very pleasant to use your resources. All very much. Many thanks to all!

Decided to do a little advertising website Deluxe buy, and write a few lines that I liked about this online service to find apartments. So here's my little story.

To begin with, that I am an artist and love to travel. Get new emotions, new impressions, generally all that is necessary for people in my profession. Usually when I go to a new city, you start looking for an apartment (in a hotel is never enough money, but in an apartment just right). By their nature do not like to book an apartment in advance and arrive at all gotovenkoe (foolishly, perhaps, but still). Having been in many cities of the former Soviet Union, I know that everywhere sells my favorite newspaper ads, "Hand in Hand", but this time I decided to go a different way, namely the search for an apartment on the internet!

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